Theological education that is integrated
Saint Paul’s House of Formation (SPHF) is an online curriculum that equips missional leaders with a solid-grounding in five key areas: scripture, theology, liturgy, patristics, and church history.
It is designed to especially serve those who are involved in on-the-ground active ministry by meeting them where they are with first rate education in the great tradition of the Christian Church.
Learn in community, where you are
Cohorts are small learning communities at the heart of Saint Paul’s House of Formation. All students enrolled in the House will subsequently be enrolled in a cohort to process the curriculum with. Cohorts gather weekly to discuss and digest what they are learning and how it shapes their on-the-ground ministry.
The living tradition of our ancient faith
Saint Paul’s House is focused on the universal, or ‘catholic’ tradition, and although we teach from our Anglican perspective, this is the heritage of every Christian. Special focus is placed on the first five centuries of the Christian Church and the Fathers, doctors, martyrs and mystics that first expounded and defended the Church and her faith.
We pay special attention to the early church because we believe that the faith once delivered to these saints lives today. The patristic era is not just an niche area of antique study, but remains vitally important to guiding the Church and her mission today. If you have been interested to learn more about the ancient Church, we think that you will love the St. Paul’s House curriculum.