1 Year Curriculum
- The Anglican Way
Sacramental Theology
- The Sacramental Worldview
- Baptism
- Eucharist
- Sacramental Rites
- Sacramentals
- Liturgy of the Eucharist
- Daily Offices
- The Church Calendar and Lectionary
Systematic Theology
- The Person of Christ
- The Holy Trinity
- Holy Church
Ascetic & Moral Theology
- Understanding & Practicing Prayer
- Living the Christian Life
- Introduction to the Bible
- Introduction to the Four Gospels
- Christ in the Old Testament (Parts 1 & 2)
- Introduction to the Church Fathers
- The Greek Church Doctors
- Other Greek Fathers
- The Latin Church Doctors
- Other Latin Fathers
Church History
- The Early Church
- Creeds & Councils
- The Reformation
Anglican Studies
- Anglican History
- The Book of Common Prayer
- Articles of Religion
Our 1 year St. Paul’s curriculum selects the 29 most crucial topics from our core program and streamlines them into a brand new package that can be streamed at your own pace, while still preserving all of the St. Paul’s features you know and love.
Q 3-4, 2022 -
Content Release
Immediate -
Locally Determined -
Student Limit
As this is a contract specifically designed and licensed for your church, we do ask that you not share the account outside of your congregation.
Classic st. paul's components
HD Video Lectures
Detailed Outlines
Built-in Quizzes
Cohort Discussion Guides
Primary Source Readings
Webinar Access
Custom Printable Exams